One of the greatest things about custom actions is that they
support defining input and output arguments of type EntityCollection. However,
because the process designer does not support UI for consuming this type then
we have to do it via code. This article explains some tips if you think that
could be useful for you.
If you are familiar with custom actions introduced in CRM
2013, you might have noticed that they have input and out parameters. What is
interesting is that a data type “EntityCollection” is supported which means
your action can take as input a number of entities or it can produce a number
of entities as the result (like RetrieveMultiple). The first thing you might
wonder is why the heck would you want to use EntityCollection as output
arguments, it if can’t even be consumed from the workflow designer. But if you
are reading this post chances are you have a scenario in mind. In many cases
you might want EntityCollection as input parameters, but is more unusual to
need an output of EntityCollection. I can think of a few scenarios, and most
recently I had to use this for encapsulating a set of business logic in a
custom action which would then return a set of entities. This custom action
might be consumed from external systems and makes it simple to implement all
the business logic in a custom action so from the external clients it will be
straight-forward to consume this action without having to call various SDK
operations and implementing the logic at the client.
Once you have identified the scenario you need to keep in
mind that the result (output) of your custom action will need to be consumed
only from code (external client, JavaScript, plugins, etc.) because
unfortunately the CRM native process designer is still incapable of
understanding entity collections. Now, how can you set an output parameter in
your custom action that is type of EntityCollection if you cannot do that via
the process designer?
My first instinct was to implement a custom workflow
activity and then insert it in the action definition as a custom process step:
Inside the custom workflow activity, you have full access to
the IExecutionContext, including the InputParameters and OutputParameters
collections. Therefore, I assumed I you could set your EntityCollection output
parameter via code as seen below:
While technically this compiles and executes fine, I was
surprised to see that when calling my action, the output parameter was blank,
even though I was setting the value from the custom workflow activity. I
imagine this might be due to the fact that output parameters are only set after
the main pipeline operation and perhaps the custom workflow activity is executing
a little bit before that thus all output parameters get wiped after the main
operation but before the value is returned to the client.
Therefore, I had to change my approach. I implemented the
exact same code, but this time I used a plugin registered on the PostOperation
of my custom action, this way I can make sure that the main operation has
already passed and whatever I store in the output parameters collection will be
returned to the calling client. This finally worked!
So the lesson here is that setting output parameters (in general)
must be done in the PostOperation part of the pipeline, therefore it can only
be done via plugins!
Keep in mind that setting input parameters as
EntityCollection is more trivial because it is up to the calling client to pass
those parameters, and in this case, although you cannot consume those input
parameters inside the action process designer, you will be able to access them
from either a custom workflow activity inside your action or from plugins. I
tend to prefer custom workflow activities because this way your entire logic is
defined inside the action itself and there is no additional logic running in
plugins, but it depends on the scenario and complexity too.